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Can Speedlights Do What Strobes Do? | Q&A Ep.67

Can Speedlights Do What Strobes Do? | Q&A Ep.67

Brian Michael had a question that I remember asking myself years ago when I was learning about flash photography, and that’s whether or not you can use multiple speedlights to replicate the power of a single studio strobe. Here’s Brian’s question: I do love my...
Speedlights VS Studio Strobes | Q&A Ep.62

Speedlights VS Studio Strobes | Q&A Ep.62

Kondja Negongo had a great question about flash, and he was wondering if having studio strobes is necessary for someone that wants to shoot flash photography. Here’s Kondja’s question: “Hi Spyros. I’ve started shooting in studio with flash guns and wanted to ask is it...