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You Don’t Have To Shoot In Manual Mode | Photo Tip 007

You Don’t Have To Shoot In Manual Mode | Photo Tip 007

There’s this persistent idea that in order to be a “real” photographer, you have to shoot in manual mode. Well, that’s just not true. The point of learning and shooting in manual mode is to learn and understand how your camera works so that you can use it to take the...
What’s The Best Camera Mode For Learning? | Q&A Ep.80

What’s The Best Camera Mode For Learning? | Q&A Ep.80

Arvind hasn’t used his camera in almost a year and he wants to learn Manual Mode but was wondering if he should start with Manual Mode or use Aperture or Shutter Priority first. I personally think working in Manual Mode is the best way to learn, because in Manual Mode...
What Does Exposure Compensation Actually Do? | Q&A Ep.57

What Does Exposure Compensation Actually Do? | Q&A Ep.57

So here’s an interesting question from RickBSO about exposure compensation: Can you please explain to me what does the exposure compensation actually do in the camera, I mean mechanically, I understand the over and under exposing, what I don’t know is if it changes...