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How Editing Wrecks Your Photos | Q&A Ep.64

How Editing Wrecks Your Photos | Q&A Ep.64

Michael Wright has a great question about editing and how and when (and if) editing is actually destructive to your images. Here’s Michaels’s question: “I was wondering if you could explain how editing is PS or other software can be “destructive.”  Most...
Why Not Just Use One RAW File For HDR? | Q&A Ep.50

Why Not Just Use One RAW File For HDR? | Q&A Ep.50

Common practice to create HDR photos is to take what’s called a “bracket” which is a series of photos at different exposure levels, and then to use software to combine those images into a single folder. Well Stephen Clark was out shooting and after he got home he...
Does Crop Factor Give You Better Image Quality? | Q&A Ep.49

Does Crop Factor Give You Better Image Quality? | Q&A Ep.49

As photographers we’re all naturally concerned about the quality of our images, and I know how easy it is to agonize over your camera and lens purchases while worrying about getting the bets quality possible for the money you spend. Well today we’re doing some...